The War Dream

Date: 2/22/2019

By dwalyn

Ok so there was supposed to be a war that started the day after the dream took place and I was just walking through a parking garage for some reason and there were all of these Indians in there that tried to attack me and I was like “hold up guys. The war isn’t until tomorrow” and then this one guy was like “you’re my girlfriend” and he was because we were together but then he disappeared a year before and then I was like “hey we have a kid together but I put it up for adoption and the lady that adopted him is crazy and is going to try to convince you that she’s the mom” so then him and his friend came with me to go visit the baby and we were visiting him and the lady did what I said she would and then left and then his friend went outside and I followed him and he started turning into a werewolf because it was midnight and the war was starting and then there was a loud bang and we looked up at the sky and then it fast forwards to the end of the war where the four of us are sitting around a table crying and there’s corpses laying all around us. The End.