Terrifying Chase Dream.

Date: 8/11/2016

By astralArbitrary

It began at an area where I thought the location was the at the lake house, but was an altered version of weirs beach. Apparently, I was staying in a place with much less prestige than some of these destructive, assholish teenage boys. Basically, it was a pool at a hotel. We got into a fight, kind of, angering them. I don't remember much after that. Next, apparently some anime-esqe girl from a prestigious school started staying in the talk fancy red hotel building. I insulted her. Stuff went down, but I can barely remember it. A girl dived into a pool at some point. After this it got a little foggy, but now the group of boys were harassing me. I was running along the boardwalk of the area I was at and passed them. They were assholes so I insulted them. Then, one, who was strangely in light blue swimming trunks with white on them but was described as having that on a shirt, started chasing me. This was terrifying, with an actual threat of death in the air. We ran around for a while, most of which I can't remember. Then, we came to this weird place with a thin, long pool on the boardwalk but with Boardwalk on the sides. I was wading through it, and the other boys were there. They were jeering at me, and one or two threw alcohol on me. It tasted terrible. Suddenly I was in the really deep end of the pool, and they were kicking me down farther into the water. I was really almost drowning. After apparently running the the far end of the boardwalk again, I met with this adorable African American child, and she was running from the boy too. We ran down whatever steps were at the boardwalk, and started wading into the water. It was about waist high. There were huge rocks with algae and stuff on them, and they looked buoyant for some reason. The boy wasn't far behind us now, and he was calling cruel things at us. We were close to reaching our destinations, which were our houses. Then, we were suddenly at a beach--style bathroom, with shower and changing stalls. We told the ladies there to not let in the boy, weirdly describing him with a shirt and not his trunks. We were okay for a minute or two, but then he was at the entrance, yelling for us. The women were squealing and fawning over him, maybe because he was popular or something? I don't know. Me and the child ran and laid down behind a wall of some sorts, and then waited, fearing for our lives. I looked at her after a moment, and she was sitting up, looking around, and I wanted to tell her to sit down to avoid being murdered, but I half-realized that I was dreaming, and told her a way to wake up by pressing down on different points of the body, like above the left eye, the stomach, and some other place. It didn't work, but I woke up shortly after.