Date: 1/4/2017
By LucidDreamsDankMemes
My mum drops me off at a school with 'Morne' in its name, we're in the oval of that school and there's a playground there as well. We're now in the stairway of the school. We walk around a few seconds, and there's places detailing what to do if you come from [my highschool] and want to come to Morne, though they all seem painful to get to, you have to slide down a flight of stairs on your back in order to get to them. The info is given on wooden signs. I ask Frodithsham to throw me down my stuff which I had left behind earlier, a yellow lunchbox, a brown paper bag full of something, and something else which I forget. There's a kid at the bottom of the stairs now, and I contemplate asking him where all the stuff I throw away goes so I can get it back. I don't, however. I tell him 'I'm gonna give it to you straight. We have no intention of coming to Morne, we're just from [my high school] and we're lost as shit'. Note: Frodithsham is what I use for the name of a female friend who I'd like to keep anonymous