Darien fest

Date: 9/16/2020

By Kantz_Dreams

*THIS DREAM WAS FROM THE WEEK OF 9/10/18 ON FRIDAY, A TIME WHERE I WAS A FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL. THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS COPIED FROM MY PHYSICAL DREAM JOURNAL* (Vivid) I had a ton of dreams tonight, most of them linked to Gianna. I am at Darien again. I see Gianna. We give a quick hug. She has a 20 dollar bill. We go to buy something. It takes us a while and we don’t buy anything. ~~~ANALYSIS: when I went to Darien fest in real life, it started with me seeing Gianna and her giving me a very enthusiastic hug (it’s been a while). What’s weird is that I had a 20 dollar bill that I used to buy the entire group food. Ever since Darien Fest, I have been thinking about it nonstop, feeling feelings of happiness but also sadness, as I will rarely see her. ~~~ The scene quickly changes, and I’m now at the dentist waiting to get a “surgery done on my teeth. The person says surgery, and I enter the room along with my sister and mother. Gianna texts me again and we talk about some stuff. I’m scared to have the surgery done, and I think about the thought that I might be dreaming I think I woke up then, but I quickly went to sleep. ~~~ ANALYSIS: At the time, I was actively thinking about the future surgery of my wisdom teeth removal. This thought may have become incorporated into the dream as some type of warning, or simply a solution or preparation for the upcoming surgery. ~~~ Now, the scene changed to something more dark. I am in an arcade when a robber comes in and steals all the chocolate. I am now with someone else, though I don’t know who. But, as the robber puts all the chocolate in the bag, the person next to me told me to steal it back. So I did. I grabbed the bag and started for the door. But I felt bad for the robber that had no more chocolate, so I said “”I feel so bad” and give him two bars of W.F crisp (part of the world’s finest chocolate brand that we used to sell for our junior high band). I then head into the van that was waiting for me and the dream ended there. (Gianna texted me quite frequently throughout the dream. They related to where I was. I forgot most of the texts though.) ~~~ ANALYSIS: The chocolate that the robber stole was the same chocolate that I sold for band in junior high, which may say something about my unconscious thoughts towards that chocolate.