A dog- This is how I choose to remember (dream tips if you read)

Date: 11/23/2017

By samthelamb

I was at a high school. I’m a student. I remember I was skipping around happily about how I like high school better than middle and elementary school. Something about high school gives me more freedom. I skipped to near the cafeteria. In my thoughts I said “I don’t have to sit at lunch. If I don’t. I have to go classroom. But I don’t want to. I’ll go to the play area.” I played in the area. Walking around and just seeing the views. As I got near by the wall. Suddenly I had this dog (that look like one of my dog in real life). Dog was orange. Small size. I had this dog started barking and start to attacking me. I remember I started to jump backward. Grip on to the wall as hard I can. Then climb up wall. I was in fear. This dog kept jumping. Next thing the dog started to climb to the wall. It failed. Later as it finally got close to my legs. I screamed for help. “HELP HELP HELP!” 2 students came. They distracted the dog. I jumped down and I found this yellow flexible container. I assumed the dog was in there so I squish the container as hard I can. I Hoping it will die. But as I looked up the dog was in front me. The student helped to me control the dog. I pushed the dog to lay on the ground. I set my right foot on him. I intensely said “do you want to me kill the dog!?” Student said in a soft voice: HOWEVER YOU WANT TO REMEMBER” (Guys did see this sentence was connect to the title. Okay go on. Sorry for distracting) I was confused about what he said. I ignore him. I step and stand on the dog as I can. Twist it’s neck. I stared there blankly. No hard feeling. No regrets. I planed to walk to the computer room. On the way I heard a lot of gasps and sad voices “Who did it?” “How cruel was that” I didn’t care. I walked straight to the computer room like it’s nothing. I played the computer on a black screen. I saw another dog walking around looked like him. It was happy. This dog greet me. I pet it. And throw the ball downstairs. It chased. I stared my computer once again ————— This dream is so weird.... go in the comments for the tips.