An Awakening

Date: 4/20/2019

By obviouslyominous

There are 3 of us We are in a field There are tents Everywhere It is day time Everyone is staring at us A man is walking towards us I feel nervous Kendal walks to him Hes angry I look around Everyone looks Different Hes watching the two of us Livid Kendal is still talking I look across We are both still nervous I feel everyones eyes Kendal says "Ive already tested them, neither know." He is still angry He walks to me Stands about 10 feet away Says " i command." Something inside me awakens I double over I yell in pain I have no control I look to kendal for help I look at everyone for help No one moves The Man stands absolutely still A statue, a livid statue Absolute disgust as he looks At me Watching Im still shouting in pain Im on the ground now Breathing rough and ragged I dont know whats happening I feel my body changing I feel my mind clouding No Becoming clearer I feel rage I feel an internal release The pain is gone My soul knows what has happened It has been waiting I feel whole I am still enraged Who thinks they could command me? I will kill them. I look at The Man. I will kill him. I crouch low I growl All the fur on my back stands tall The Man does not move This angers me more Who is he. I will kill him. He will Die. I will kill him. I crouch further Kendal steps in front of The Man Says "No Sam. It is ok" It is not ok I will not be commanded I crouch further Ready to leap I growl again Deeper Kendal stands tall Says "Dont do this Sam. I dont want to hurt you." I jump No one can hurt me She releases some unknown power Its very bright I am thrown back I land on my side I slide further Along the grass It hurts a lot I look around I am human again I am surrounded I am held down A collar is put on I feel the rage again I am too injured for it to carry me away The Man walks to me He looks down upon me Disgusted I lay there In pain I look up at him Angry Again He says " i will always command." He walks away I pass out