Date: 10/10/2019

By UltimatePenguin

The dream started off in a familiar place though I cannot recall from where. It was a house with people I recognize but, I don't know who they were. I had been to this place and conversed before in a different dream. We played video games and than me and one of the guys started talking. He asked me about my game with the broken screen. I told him it was my Nintendo switch that had the broken screen and I had to sell it. Everyone goes outside. There are cats outside, I pet one. I go and sit in a circle with my brother the guy and another person. My brother tells me he's going to be a patriot for michael and Kenny's school. I don't know what he mean but, I decide to join him. We all get up and start going toward this school. We are in Fresno. As we get closer michael opens a large door to a large house. It looks like there are people getting ready to walk the stage. Everyone pulls him away as he tries to enter.