Soup squad tries to leave Tommy's

Date: 9/22/2018

By pheeniealexandra

So me, Nate, Tommy, Adam, and Pat we're all at Tommy's house (but it didn't look like his real house). And had slept the night there. Everyone was getting high and having fun but I knew I was on call the next day so I couldn't. For some reason Tommy's mom had a bunch of Christmas decorations up. I decided to clean up the family room idk because I was sober and bored. So I took down the Christmas decorations half because it's September and half because I wanted to clean and dust around them and reorganize some things. So I put them in the living room - like the fancy living room some houses have that no one really goes into- and when Tommy's mom saw me cleaning she was relatively hype but his grandmother was SO MAD I had taken down the Christmas decorations! I was nervous and I explained they were just in the living room and it was fine and she calmed down. Then I was talking to Tommy's mom and casually dropped the word "fucking" into a sentence and she reprimanded me about my language, which wasn't the first time in the dream. Nate and Pat left Tommy's somehow the next morning but me Adam and some random kinda bigger guy and a random girl (may have been one of my friends? Ally?) all needed a ride back to Delaware. Tommy's family had cleaning people at the house: a white heavily accented (Italian?) kinda crazy man, a young black guy, and a young woman. The black guy was cute and was struggling with girl problems somehow. The foreign dude offered to drive us all to Delaware. We were wary, but also desperate. We ended up getting into his car that wasn't even a car it was like two bus seats together with wheels. It was light pink but super dirty and had no roof, and no doors, and I have no idea where the engine was. It was hella cramped in this "car" and as I sat down in the back on the left I could see the crazy man driving us had fleas. But like multiple types of fleas and it was horrible. I did not want to sit down among them. I had no choice. Two hours into this ride and it starts to rain, without a roof we are forced to pull over and I start begging Adam and Ally(?) to take a different car. Bus, car, train, whatever. Just not that. As u brushed tons of fleas off of me I notice a large stink-bug/bed-bug looking insect burrowing itself into the skin on my left shin. I screamed, freaked out a bit, and Ally promised me we would get it removed the next day. This is the last straw for me and I'm not chill with driving with this man anymore, who was also a terrible driver. We all end up climbing back in except now I'm in the middle in the back between this random fat young man and Adam. I notice a car-share program in a garage on our left and we pull over towards it. The sales guy takes one look at us and immediately doesn't want to let us borrow his car. I start mouthing "help me" to this man (I HAVE A BUG BURROWING IN MY LEG) and he motions for us to come over. We get out and he starts smooth talking us into renting this vintage red car. He opens it up and it's super spacious and has an interesting interior. There's a front row for a driver and passenger, and then there's a long sideways row like in a limo, and then one more row in the back that faces the front. I'm ecstatic. It's 200 some dollars to rent and I'm like "Guys I'm down. Let's split this and go." Adam argues with me about paying for it and then I remind him of my burrowing bug and detail that I will not, under any circumstance, be going back with the crazy man in his sofa car. The salesman at this point pulls me aside and is telling me the only reason he waved us in was because he thought I was pretty and starts hitting on me. He does like a whole bit about being a con man and I wasn't very interested but I played along because I really wanted the car. At this point they all start talking about who to drive and I'm like "Adam can, he has a lot of experience with vintage cars." So that was settled and we were off. I have no idea what happens between then and the next part I remember. But my memory picks up once we are in the clouds. Literally on clouds in the sky and it's like a large parking area with lots of trucks. The ground is super soft but it holds us, it was a very incredible situation. Everyone was shocked we were able to walk on the clouds but it had happened previously (maybe even in this dream) so I knew it was fine. The only issue was that you couldn't lie down in the clouds or you would get sucked in. So we walked on the clouds and found five truck beds some with little pull-out literal beds in the back and we were going to sleep there. And that's about where my memory stops. And I woke up?