Date: 6/14/2020
By dar-bee
so i worked at a fast food place in my dream that was like chic fil a. like you take the persons order outside at their car (idk if that’s actually how it works because we don’t have chic fil a where i’m from). the inside of the store looked like a coffee shop i used to work at but it also gave me krusty krab vibes for some reason. i went out to take someone’s order and the guy was michael keaton but he wasn’t himself in the dream. he was this creepy older guy who kidnaps girls and stuff. he reminded me of the old man from the movie 13 Cameras if you’ve ever seen it. i remember being aware that he kidnaps girls but i was just being super nice to him and just taking his order. then he proceeded to open the door and yank me into his car and i don’t remember anything after that. probably a good thing that i don’t.