
Date: 7/7/2019

By Fitful

I lived in Russia. I had exercise equipment shipped and delivered to me every month, new machines each time. I used them all. This woman who cheated me wanted to eat my cooking, every day, she wanted me too cook for her. I wanted to do what she wanted, even though I didn't. In this room there were sheep painted on one wall. Snakes on the other, they were painted red. But they were alive. In this dream sheep and snakes were enemies. The woman who cheated me sold me a product she made, a thing you put your fingers inside on purpose, a box with pages or a tissue box maybe. But it had sewing needles still in it, she left them in and they hurt when I put my fingers inside. Another woman was far kinder. I was in love with her. I had to pick between them, on who go go on a car day trip with I had money in the bank, a lot of money, but it was difficult to turn into cash in Russia. I had to go to do two different places and get two different currencies.