Airport Shooting With A Twist

Date: 6/2/2022

By pardonkookie

I was at an airport and my plane had landed and I was supposed to transfer onto another plane. So I wondered off a bit bc we had some time to walk around until the next plane arrived. I found some money on the ground and mangas on the walls. So I read some manga and picked up the money, and put it in my pockets. Later on it’s time to board the last plane so I do and we land a few hours later. I get off the plane and I see ppl running. So I start running two. Some guy on a bike rides past me. He was wearing yellow. Something feels off to me so I grab a book from the side (idk why) and hide in a little corner between two walls. I’m clutching the book to my chest in fear as I hear more ppl running and screaming along with the horrible sound of gun shots. I’m terrified as I see a child go down in front of me. The gun man takes a look at me and turns his head, waving for me to run off, so I do. Wondering why he didn’t kill me. But in my gut I had a feeling that he looked familiar. I thought he looked like me cousin. Anyway, so I run, but it feels like I’m running in slow motion as I grab onto the things around me to try and pull myself forward faster. People are lined up piling on top of each other as someone yells for them to move aside for me, and they do, even though some try to stop me. So I start climbing this thing beside me that ppl can sit on. Kinda like stadium seating, but it was just several long concrete or plastic slabs that went up several floors. I end up hiding in one of them again and this child pokes his head out from where I’m hiding. Once again the gun man comes around and kills the kid, but lets me go. So I continue to run and climb until I reach the top which almost looks like a secret hall in the ceiling. So I run through there and end up at this scenic looking place. There’s a couple in front of me who look like they’re about to have sex as the guy has his pp out and they’re making out. Very weird. But they go to a bench a continue whatever that was. And I keep running, but contemplate whether I should stay in that area bc it looked pretty private. I keep running though and reach the end of the secret area in the ceiling and a crowd of people come running up behind me. This makes the ceiling crack and tilt forward. We all go falling to the ground, but thankfully we’re in the hallway that leads to the front exit. I run again and see my family. I tell them we need to get out of there bc there’s an active shooting, but they say they need to wait for my cousin. And that’s when my whole world started spinning. So I wasn’t losing my mind and the killer really was my cousin. So I tell my family. I didn’t know why he was doing that, but it explains why he wasn’t killing me. I was heartbroken and confused but terrified and traumatized at all the bodies I had seen die before me.