My love and a home invasion

Date: 8/25/2019

By VeraTheSadist

The first was a dream about my boyfriend who’s long distance. Lives a few states away and I dreamt about being able to hold him and hug on him for the first time. And a little more oddly getting to know his scent. I don’t know why it’s so important for me to know how people smell but it is. The second was about a home break in. It was my “family” but not my actual one. I felt close to the mother and I don’t feel anything for my actual mother. I had the feeling that I was more like a very close family friend to them but the kids defiantly thought I was their actual sibling. There was an older brother and a sister, then me, then a slightly younger brother and a baby. Me and the mom who was holding the baby sat out on the back porch for a while, anxiously waiting for something bad to happen, there was a few close calls and then suddenly we knew people were about to break in and kill us. We ran though the house, gathering the family and shutting off all the lights eventually hiding in the bathroom. All except for the younger brother who stayed behind to try to buy us time, we hear horrible screams. He all assume he died and suffered during it. I could feel myself laying on the cold hard tile floor. One of the men breaking into the house poked his head in the door but it was like he couldn’t see us, and then I woke up. For some reason I kept thinking I was playing a video game like life is strange but it obviously wasn’t that and I was there not just playing a game.