
Date: 12/31/2016

By infinit

I was Oliver Queen, also known as "the arrow" I was still in highschool and was just starting off archery and crime fighting. I had a makeshift bow that wasn't accurate at all but I had figured out how to use it to get my targets. I took down many bad guys in this dream. and had a partner in crime fighting, felicity, she was the brains of the operations. one day I ended up getting an actual now as a gift , and I realized just how crappy I was at shooting accurate bows and arrows, it was like everytime I tried to shoot it I missed my target by a mile. it didn't help that the cops were trying to figure out who I was, because I guess killing bad guys makes you a bad guy as well. my family and I moved at one point in the dream, while we were moving my step mom asked me if I knew anything about "the arrow" and if I did I would need to tell Poliece and stay away from him.i responded innocently and laughed internally. then while I was unpacking I had my new bow leaning against the closed and various other bow and arrow pariphrials hanging from the ceiling. along with my old bow beside my bed. my step mom walked in to ask me a question, looked around and said the room was nice and roomy , then left somehow not noticing all the arrow equipment... I moved stuff out of the way so if she returned I wouldn't be testing my luck. once night hit, it was time for me to do some crime fighting , but this time it was going to be different . I had to go into the prison , I fought my way through getting to my target. causing non lethal wounds on the guards. and when I found my target I realized I was getting better with the bow. on the way out over the cons felicity was telling me about how I changed and how I had to make a decision, her or laural because she can't keep playing these games. I , Oliver Queen, chose laural. flash forward to 5 years later, I arrive at this party where felicity and her boyfriend are located and we get into conversations . I tell her that I regretted not chosing her but her boyfriend is a pretty swell guy. I notice that he skateboards and brought up that this enemy I had faced named enigma was at the party and that he was a skateboarder that could split himself into 8 different versions of himself. I told him that enigma was drinking and couldn't hold his alcahol well and that he should challenge him to a skateboarding battle. they started skating , and right off the bat one of the enigma clones fell, dropping hot wheels cars out of his pocket. he looked embarrassed as he picked them up.then another fell over. and the rest forfetted, declaring Felicity's boyfriend the winner. the end?