Big Family

Date: 12/4/2016

By courtney0013

I was a guest of someone in a big family that was all staying together in a huge house. I don't think I got an actual count of how many siblings there were but it seemed like there were 15-20 siblings plus their spouses/significant others and children staying there. I couldn't keep up with everyone's names, but there were familiar characters. There was a lot of drama - affairs, missing things, etc. One of the spouses was a woman I was good friends with in college. I saw her cheat on her husband and confronted her about it. She was really messed up - like sleepy/drugged. She talked to me some but seemed depressed and ashamed but acted like she couldn't help it and it wasn't her fault. Her husband came over and I began playing therapist telling them they need to communicate better. Before I left I put my hand on his knee and told him not to give up on her and that he was good for her. Then I went to the large kitchen where there was always a crowd. I got some food, found a spot to sit down, but then was offered coffee. I said I'll get my cup. I got up to search for my coffee mug. I couldn't find it after a long time and just took another mug of freshly brewed coffee. Upon going back to my seat, I joined in a prayer circle. When I finally got back to my plate, the father was reaching over with his fork and taking food off my plate! He joked about having told the rest of the table that he gave me time to return before looting my plate. Later I was in the kitchen again and one of the lesbians (couldn't remember names, but started identifying characters) was searching for something. It seemed important.