Date: 8/12/2018
By Annaliese578
It started out in my school cafeteria. It was not my actual school cafeteria and it looked more like a party. This creepy dude tried to put his arm around me as I passed by him. I swung his arm back at him and was about to run. He says “chill it was an accident.” For some reason I knew 100% that he was lying. So I went up to the lunch lady and told her a man was making me feel unsafe. She said, “ok honey what does he look like?” And at that moment I could not remember what he looked like. In my brain I was like, did he have a plain red shirt in a maroon shirt with black stripes on the sleeves? Did he have black or brown hair? Everything changed at that moment. I was upstairs from the cafeteria. (Let’s call the man that tried to put his arm around me Carl) so Carl was tied to a chair and another guy (let’s call him Jacob) was explaining to me and my mom and a few other of my friends that the book he had in his hands were cursed. (Backstory: I don’t remember taking a book from Carl but I pretty sure it came from him) Anyways Jacob explained that he was now cursed along with Carl and that if we continued to help him get rid of the curse we would become cursed as well. For some reason I felt that I had to help him and so we agreed to help. then Jacob told us that we had to kill Carl for some reason. I figured he was going to shoot him or something but then something really weird happened. Ok so in this part of the dream, I an seeing the downstairs part of the building but my body is upstairs if that makes sense. So I watch as a group of moms (including Shane Dawson’s mom) throw spears into the roof and kill Carl. I was just like, well ok that needed to be done anyways. My dream changed again and this time we are in a huge trailer. Everyone’s just chit chatting while Jacob is trying to convince everyone to not help him. I was the only one really thinking about the curse and how we could be in danger at the moment. There were two big doors at the end of the trailer and I opened them and stepped outside. We were on a big hill that swooped down and then went back up to create another hill (I probably don’t make any sense) but at the top of the other hill I saw a car slowly moving to the edge of the hill were it would come flying at us. I informed Carl by saying “I think that car is going to hit us” and my little sister says “like that one scene from ghost busters?” And I said “umm sure” No one really cared that a car was about to hit us and so I tell my mom “I think that car is about to hit us” little sister:” like the scene in ghostbusters” my moms face lights up in comprehension. And is like “ohhhhh” I’m still standing outside as the car is getting closer and no one cares. Suddenly the trailer starts moving forward and I’m not in it. I have to run to catch up and when I finally get on I find out my mother was driving it even though she knew I was outside. The end