Tik tok kills

Date: 8/29/2021

By juliaaramini

I was driving along a road in a mountain town. I was coming up on a light when a bunch of guys doing a tik tok challenge jumped into the street and I had to brake very suddenly. The man behind me rear ended me. I got out of my car and went to his to talk to him. That’s when he fell out of his car coughing up blood. There was a red stain across his shirt slowly spreading, and a knife at its center. I don’t remember the explanation as to how exactly he managed to accidentally stab himself. We called an ambulance, but it wasn’t fast enough, as the mountain town was very small and the ambulance had to come from the next town over. I sat with the man as he bled out. I was sobbing and I tried to plug the wound with my hand when he reached over and told me it was okay. He asked someone else to call his wife, and then looked at me and said there was no one he would rather die beside than me. Then he died. I was not ruled guilty, and the tik tok guys who caused me to brake were arrested. I had started getting weird feelings that I was being haunted, but ruled it out as my own trauma. Then I saw a younger guy, in his early 20’s, in my house. He was a ghost. At first I was obviously terrified, but he started talking and I realized he was just a normal guy. He ended up being the man from the car accident, something had linked us when he died and he was stuck following me ever since. He was put back into his early 20’s because on the “other side” everyones age is put there, as it is considered our most healthy and attractive age. He said it had taken some practice to be able to be seen, and it had started with just moving things, hence why I thought I was being haunted. With even more practice he’d be able to hold it for long periods of time. Over time he convinced me that it wasn’t my fault, and it was just an accident, and he wasn’t unhappy with how things turned out. Then we fell in love. We had very compatible personalities, and it was perfect since he had been put back into his early 20’s (and yes I could have sex with him). Time passed and he was able to meet my friends and family, since he had gotten pretty good at staying visible to people for long periods of time. Only a few knew the truth about him, and they accepted it over time. Then my dream ends with me and my sister driving and talking about him, when the hillside burst into flame. I looked around and all the other mountains were on fire. The fire started moving closer and closer until I woke up