Dream philosophy

Date: 12/7/2020

By Aler

I had been having a bad day, but it was starting to look up, so I decided to go to campus and get some pizza for lunch, even though it was a little early. As I went down the steps, a student called out to me. She had straight, shoulder length blond hair, tucked behind her ears. She knew me, and I recognized her. Jody, I think. She started talking to me about how we can distinguish dreams from philosophy. She talked about “dream walking”, a kind of disconnected motion only found in dreams. She was writing a philosophy paper about it. I demonstrated to her and her friends that I could do this now. I went down the steps, hovering an inch above the ground. I kept hovering, but couldn’t maneuver. I mentioned that I had a dream about this very situation, but she didn’t believe me. We had a good conversation about this. Her class was more advanced than anything I had taken, so I didn’t really understand her, but she was excited to explain. At one point the conversation was a little flirtatious, but she seemed embarrassed and tried to walk it back. It was all good, we were having fun. (I noticed she had a red mark on the back of her hand, like a bad scrape that was healing) Her class was about to start, so I walked with her to her class. I explained that I had taken a first year philosophy class as a writing credit. I loved the class, but the other students didn’t so we couldn’t get into such advanced topics. When she left to go to her class, I woke up. I feel she would have appreciated the irony of knowing that our entire conversation, and even her existence, was also a dream. She was much smarter than me, and now that I’m awake I miss her.