The Weirdest Sex Dream I've Had in Awhile

Date: 8/13/2020

By Rachel447

I was masturbating before I went to sleep because I had been riled up all damn day and I've been stressed about a lot lately, so I needed some kind of distraction right? Well I fall asleep and the dream picks up with the fantasy I had left off with but it took a weird turn. I was having sex with my neighbor who I've had an on-and-off crush on, then it turned south as I felt like he was raping me rather than having normal sex. I had told him I was a virgin and he didn't seem to care all of a sudden and he stated that he "wanted [my] v-card for [him]self." The dream then randomly switched and I was in between someone's legs with a dick in my face and for some reason I just automatically began to give him a blowjob (which I've never ever done in my life by the way, so I was really confused upon waking up.) I don't remember if it was my neighbor or someone else, all I remember is that he was white and that I couldn't see his face, but I could tell that his upper body was doing something else while I was "working" on the lower half. Maybe kissing another girl?? I don't really know/remember. There was more to the dream, I vaguely remember ending up in a museum-esque gallery with pictures of guys on the wall, I can't remember if they're guys I've been interested in or just guys that I know or just random dudes. There was more than this I'm definitely sure but it's really vague and fuzzy. The reason this dream is so weird and freaks me out/confuses me is the fact that I've never been raped, so it's not like this dream is recounting any trauma, and I've never given a BJ, so it's not any kind of warped memory. It might just simply be desire, but it all just feels very off-putting to me.