the coast & murder mystery

Date: 3/2/2021

By camijane

i was riding in the car with my family somewhere but i didn't know where & i fell asleep during the drive. i woke up in the car with the windows down to the smell of the sea and when i opened my eyes, i saw that we were parked in this parking space thing (except it was dirt and it was just a patch that only we were parked in) on a hill (?) near the ocean, which was a lot bluer in the dream than it actually is where i live. i was like "oh, why are we at the beach?" and my mom said something similar to "we told you we were going here/going camping, why are you so confused?" and i just felt like oh well, waking up to the ocean is nice. apparently we were parked because they were trying to figure out what was going on with this murder that happened near the coast and the radio was on and someone came to our car and my dad got out and talked to them. then we were in a place that i don't really remember but i think we were lined up against the wall and other people were lined up against the wall across from us and i thought that this one guy in the line across from us who kept talking to us was the murderer