Happy Ever After

Date: 12/16/2016

By johnmikegs

I had just woken up. It was still dark, but by the time I had gotten downstairs the sunlight was already peaking through the windows. I ate breakfast, got ready for school and left. As I was walking to school someone jumped on me. I was confused until I realized it was two of my closest friends. We continued to walk to school and talked about what we would be doing after we have finished high school. The day was normal itself, nothing really interesting happened. On my way home I had found a leaf on the ground. It was very oddly shaped and the coloration was off. I thought it was cool so I wrote my name on it and let the wind blow it away. I got home, ate, and knocked out. I woke up around 9pm to see that my phone was blowing up with messages. My friend from earlier, let's call her Gabby. She had been trying to get in touch with me ever since 7pm. I called her while half asleep and waited for her to pick up. No answer. I tried again and this time it went through, but nobody was talking. All of a sudden I heard a muffled cry like she was trying to hide it. She tried to stay as calm as possible and told me to come over. I was worried and stood straight up and was getting dressed. I ran out the door and quickly got to her place as fast as I could. She had left her window open because when I was young I would sneak into her window and we would hang out. I quickly got up, but the window was locked. Her room was on the second floor and had a flat roof next to it in which you could sit on and enjoy the night sky. I knocked on her window and she came out. She was still crying and she just fell into my arms and I had to comfort her. I kept rubbing her head and telling her that it was alright. I didn't even know what happened until after she calmed down and told me, but when I was gonna ask what something she passed out. I knew she was exhausted and tired. I carried her back inside and laid her on her bed and tucked her in making sure she was comfortable. I was about to leave but she grabbed my arm and told me to stay the night. I didn't have to be at home since everyone was away for a while, so I stayed. She told me she had some of the old clothes I had left last time I was over like pjs, tank tops and hoodies and that they were clean. I changed and kinda chilled. She was falling asleep and by the time I realized, I had passed out as well. I woke up to the smell of breakfast being made. She was making French toast and it smelled sweet. She was being really silly this morning and kept taking photos of herself doing silly poses and faces while in her sweats, tank top, and a messy bun with me in the background laughing at her. She's always been so close to me, and I can't really remember a time we were ever apart. Besides actually going home, but when we weren't home we were usually together. We ate breakfast and got ready for school. As usual the day went on, but I didn't see the my other friend from the day before who jumped on me. I went home that day and like usual I ate and slept. I woke up around 6pm this time and it looked really dark outside. Gabby had texted me that she was hungry and if I wanted to hang out. I didn't have anything to do so I said sure. I got changed and left. She lived close to the city where I was kinda away maybe a 40 minute walk. I was walking and I saw this Crepe store and I thought she might love to have some so I bought two for us. I continued to walk down until I saw a dark ally and I don't know why, but something was telling me to go there, but at the same time I was in danger. I realized that the same person wearing this white hoodie had been following me. I went in the ally to see if he would come, and eventually there he was at the exit of the ally. I asked him who he was and what he wanted. He didn't answer. I took a step closer, but he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. I didn't know what to do since I had to be somewhere so I asked if he needed money, but again no answer. He than charged at me and he was quick. He wasn't that tall and looked kinda skinny, so he wasn't too much of a problem, but I was trying to disarm him, but as I got ahold of the gun he quickly pulled the trigger and shot me. I felt it. There was a sharp pain in my stomach and that was when I saw the light turn on and his hoodie fall off. It was my friend who didn't go to school that day. I wondered why he did it, but I fell to the floor. I could see myself leave my body and I could fly. I was all of a sudden at Gabby's house and could see her waiting for me outside. It was a somewhat windy night and all of a sudden, the leaf that I had signed my name on flew right by her and the color caught her eye. She quickly caught it and saw my name on it. All of a sudden she started crying as if she knew something was wrong. She kept calling my phone, but never got an answer. Suddenly I was being taken back in time to before I got shot I could see everything move backwards and made me uneasy. Than it all played back but slower than how I remembered. I heard the gunshot and instead of feeling pain I could see Gabby get shot in the heart and fall off a big building into a pool of water. Now I'm in the water with her and she says something, but I can't really make it out. She keeps saying it until I finally got it. She was telling me to wake up. Everything turned dark and my eyes opened. I turned to my left and saw Gabby holding my hand while she was asleep. I was relieved I was awake and alive. I closed my eyes and fast forwarded us in a car with her showing me scrapbooks and sketchbooks we had photos/drawings in. We were laughing, and we put them in the box in the back seat. All of a sudden I was out of my body again and I can see the car drive off into the sunset and I got this warm feeling in my chest. The End