Date: 3/10/2019
By katiebagel
I was going to my moms friends house for dinner and their 17 year old son was in loved with me and everyone was convinced we were bf and gf and I was confused. He was a tiny Asian boy who looked like 14 or 15. Anyway he’s just ignoring me but I don’t really care that much it’s just annoying bc I can’t even have a conversation. Anyway he keeps doing techy things so I just play in the garden and then our parents get mad and confront him and then he apologizes to me and tries to talk to me after that. It’s super awkward. Also I was playing with their dog and I talk to my mom about knowing him as a puppy then their daughter gets upset because she always wanted a puppy and never got one and me and my mom just looked at each other like ...okay... Then he decides to take me to Zurich so he meets me and my friend at the train station and it’s funny because he is so excited. He rides his little motorcycle there and everything. Anyway I hold his hand and stuff and that makes him super happy. We walk around the shops and I’m trying to buy soap and I thing I make a mess of the aisle and I also thing I look at electronics?? I don’t remember. At some point I find out I’m tik tok famous. 68.2 million fans idk why but my friend says I got a shoutout. Then we go back again with more friends and we go to the grocery store even tho I’m carrying a bag of some groceries. I don’t remember this part too clearly. New part. We were driving around. It was California but not exactly home. At some point I’m at my cousins house in Florida and my little cousin loves me. I don’t remember the details of this part but eventually I’m driving around my neighborhood with bronwyn and we end up going to Disneyland my cousin sees me and he’s dressed all fancy and we’re excited. We are at the beach and I think i go in the water or I was just sweating so I go back in the house to shower for my birthday dinner that night. My aunt also made this weird food it was like a tortilla with a ton of mustard in the bottom and she put a heap of mashed Tater tots on it and I took a bite to be polite but I wanted to have something healthier. Then when I was in the shower she texted me saying that I need to start blending all my food because I have shark eating syndrome and that I really need to chew my food. I’m showering before practice to I sit a think a little because I know I’m going to shower twice. My hair has some tiny braids in it but it’s mostly down and straight. It’s straighter and longer than normal and I keep playing with it. Then I go to take a shower but gpa is in the back bathroom sitting strangely on the toilet. I haven’t really talked to him. He’s kinda of sick and tired. He’s in pain. I start thinking I’m in a memory because in real life my grandpa passed when I was 16. I’m scared but try to ignore it and go to the other bathroom which is in use. I’m go in the twin bedroom and dance on the mirror. I’m in a rowing uni that’s soaking wet and you can see my whole body and I’m insecure and I’m afraid I’m going to hate my birthday party. I think I wake up after that.