Asshole Dad

Date: 9/3/2017

By Oyasumi

To be simply put, I had a dream where my dad was a complete asshole. (Not that he isn't already but I digress) - - - - It starts off (from what I can remember) with me sitting at the side of a bed as someone I recognized as my significant other was saying that he was to fed up with looking at me and had to take a break. His eyes wouldn't meet mine, he would pace the room, run his hands through his hair and generally look a little (very) stressed. I was calm, being used to belittlement (both in real life and apparently the dream world), and suggested that I could move to another room if it would make him more comfortable but he says no and that He needed me out of the house for the entire day so he could do what he so desired. So I agree with the hope that me being out of sight would make him better and leave the house with the arrangement that I would be gone all day and only return to cook dinner. ~ We then jump to a scenario where I play as myself, the daughter, with a younger brother and the couple I had played the wife of before was replaced with my parents. My mother comes home a bit early and my father instantly starts to shout at her to start cooking. He starts yelling that he's hungry and a whole bunch of other complaints directed at my mother as he stumps around the hallway. I'm in my room and at some point I remember trying to hide bags of chips so that my father wouldn't find them and eat them. I think I ended up hiding them next to a table, leaning against a side that would make them unseen from the door. ~ Anyways, jump to another scene where my mother is grocery shopping with us (my and my bother) tagging along. As we're leaving, my mother allows my brother one toy but she says this as we're on a sidewalk headed towards the car. She says I as if she meant for him to pick something from the store despite heading away from it and he ends up picking up one of the many toys that littered the side of the path. And we all acted like it was natural. (More specifically, I noticed one of the toys was a pop vinyl figure but that doesn't matter) My brother, being excited to have received a toy, runs ahead of us to the car. At some point I started crawling like a zombie on the ground in order to play-scare him and he starts laughing from the window of the car. My mother is unaware of my actions and starts to leave in the car when my brother reminds her that I still have not gotten on. The car comes to a stop quite a ways away and I walk towards it. As I'm walking I decide to absentmindedly check my phone or something and I see a funny same. Something cock, idk. - - - - I woke up after that.