A Date with Xiumin

Date: 4/21/2019

By AzaleahRiddle

This dream starts with me riding a bus in South Korea. I have with me this foods that is native in the local. In one of the stops Xiumin rode the bus. I am freaking out inside because I never expected that I'll be meeting him by chance there. I freak out more inside because he choose the seat beside me to sit upon. I was like 'What will I do? Should I ask hime for a autograph?' Then I notice that the other passenger of the bus seems to want the same with me. Photograph, autograph, you name it. In the end I decided to respect his privacy and just silently die beside him (die because of fangirling). I really want to cherish that moment but I don't want to disrespect him. The others kept on asking him for things. There are even others that is asking me to do their job but I refuse since it is up to Xiumin if he wants to or not. I thought that the whole ride will be like that. No talking with him and whatnot. Suddenly he talk to me. I don't know what is that about but with that single sentence or question, we began to talk animatedly. There is a point where we talk about the dish that I am holding on. He asked me what is the flavor and I was like 'I don't know since the fkavor is not familiar with me. Could you help me?' Then he open the containers. One is flavor after some herbs that I can't remember I just know that it's color green. The other one is orange flavor. When he asked me to try it, I didn't like the green one so I gave it to him. Then we satrted eating the orange one. The food is some raw meat with this flavored sauce. He just spreads the sauce to the meat, wait some time (I think the sauce cooks the meat without heat), then we eat it. During the waiting, I notice that he is speaking in tagalog, so I asked him if he could speak the language. Then he told me that it's like only a translator through mind. He told me that he is speaking korean but the message that I hear is translated in my native tongue. During the dream, I did not understand what he is talking about but I dropped the subject since I'm interested about the food which by that time is already cooked. I noticed that he kept on glancing on the window. That's how I know that he is nearing to his destination. Throughout the discussion the other passenger kept on bashing me, saying that I should go away since Xiumin never notice them as the conversation goes on, I start hearing things like 'They are so cute together, don't you think?' When he arrived at his destination, I decided to come with him because of the food that he is cooking. There I met some of his friends/relatives (not EXO). We start talking especially about the way the other passenger in the bus kept on treating him. Then the realtive ask me if I know Xiumin as a start. My answer was like 'Hard not to know about him especially if I am their fan.' Hearing this, Xiumin feel betrayed since he thought that the reason that I talk to him is because I want to just get close to him since he's my idol. So I cupped his face brushing away his tears while saying 'Ne, Xiumin Oppa, Ne, You know that even though I am your fan I decided to respect your privacy. Yes, I am freaking out inside the moment that I saw you step through the bus, but when I saw how the other passengers is treating you I decided not to be like them. I decided to respect your privacy. I don't want to push myself into you that's why when you sit beside me I remained silent. Sorry, if you feel betrayed. That is never my intention.' Then I don't know if he forgive me or not since I already woke up.