The soap's scent was Boys will be Boys

Date: 7/1/2021

By ThatTherianKid

Somehow it was like a futuristic 1930s setting with the great depression. I lived with my mother. Our next door neighbors and us were planning on fleeing up north onto Canada, as the government was planning on killing off parts of the population, replacing them with android workers who didn't need to be paid. We packed what we needed and planned on traveling by car, but instead, while my mom, out neighbor and her two kids were packing what little they could take from our neighbor's apartment, I went out and blew up the engine. Literally blew it up. We had to go out on foot. However, I did learn that the apartment receptionist knew more about our neighbor. Apparently she also had 2 older daughters. The younger one was an author, and the older one was some kind of human rights/disability activist. I only remember this because I asked the receptionist, "That means she fights for the rights of people like me, yeah?" We walked down the road and turned left, then turned left again onto a main strip/town square. Our sector had already been wiped clean, and our neighbors sector was next, so we had to either get out of there fast, or get underground where no one would see us. We passed by my favorite Chinese restaurant as a kid and waved goodbye to the workers inside. They seemed to have 0 idea about their fate. I started crying, knowing Id never see them again. We ended up underground, in a cramped space that reminded me a lot of a mall. There were vendors against the wall on the right hand side, but the left hand side was kind of open with a lot of people. It reminded me of a mall food court, with old, no longer functioning fountains and stairs that lead down into the left hand side where more stores sat. Most of these stores were about 10' or so by 15', just big enough to serve their function. We passed by multiple; a lot of these little stores sold food, while one sold stuffed animals and another sold like, old pre-war items. I remember our neighbor going into the store selling stuffed animals and buying one that was brand new, hand made and in beautiful condition for $13, today's equivalent of almost $50. Apparently, I had money saved. Inflation was through the roof due to the government removing most currency from circulation. However, I had almost $1k put back from where I was planning on getting my service dog a board a train. This was now equalling over 3k, as inflation percentage was 3.847 (meaning money was worth 3, almost 4 times more). Only reason I knew about my saved money was that my mother wanted to use it to buy a car and promised to one day pay me back. I left my mom's side as she looked to buy food, going to look at a butcher's mart as well as the store next to it, in which my mother left coupons for Fairlife milk. The owner of the store with the Fairlife coupons was closing it for the day, talking with the butcher about finances. He hadn't picked up his kids from them staying with his dad due to not being able to feed them. He said he couldn't even afford milk and bread. I rushed after him when he left and asked if he knew how much milk would be. He said he didn't know, but it wouldn't be much. I told him I "should have some money" in my wallet, and it felt almost predatory with how he watched me. My mom was approaching us, so I told him that, any $1 bills I find would be his. I knew my mom would be pissed that I gave a stranger money, so I made it fast before she could approach. In my wallet was 3 $1 bills, 1 $3 bill, 1 $5 bill, and 1 $20 bill. I gave him 2 of the $1 bills. He thanked me profusely, but didn't show emotion before walking off. Even outside of the dream I feel bad about not giving him that third $1 bill. My mom said she liked the way I thought, for some reason. I went and washed my hands in a sink at one of the stores, finding a ring with a lot of gemstones in the sink. I snatched the ring as I washed my hands. Once done, we went to the little restaurant my mom was looking at earlier They were selling corn on the cob for $1, peas for $1.25, and Mac n Cheese for $2. I wondered if the man from earlier would buy 2 orders of corn, despite having straight up vanished. The Mac n Cheese had sausage and chicken in it, meaning it would be best since we could get some protein. The older woman working in came up to us with a serving of Mac n Cheese and asked if that's what we ordered. We explained we hadn't put in an order yet, and she just said, "oh.." before taking it back, joking that she hadn't mixed it up good enough, and giving it to the right customer. We made our way up in the line, order 2 servings of the Mac n Cheese, just to be told that if we did, there wouldn't be enough to go around. We begrudgingly accepted that and instead got 1 order of Mac n Cheese and 1 order of peas. Not going to lie, it was a good looking meal on top of being a warm one. My mom made the remark that we "had Marceline with us, and she got what she wanted because she needed to keep her energy up". Suddenly, my service dog was at my side, and I was tempted to have her put her front paws on the counter but decided against it. By the time the dream ended and we got our food, she was gone again. This was disconnected, as I had kind of woken up, but in a secondary dream in the same world, I went back to our home and saw my dad, but I knew it wasn't him; he looked dead and his lips were blue. He was an Android of my father.