Date: 6/16/2018
By Moonstar
I am on my way to work at Saint James Hospital. I am on a bus that is extremely full so that I end up almost on top of the driver. I have a big binder with a report of the finances for the CEO and it is very important that he gets it. Diane and a teenager I do not know are with me. This is my last day of work, I don’t want to work in that hospital anymore but I want to make sure that the CEO knows the “truth”. Profits could have been made but they were not. I am very well dressed. When the bus empties out a bit, I realize that the CEO is on it, but I cannot show him the report yet because there are some calculations that still have to be entered. We get off the bus by a school where there are a lot of children outside. I get separated from my friends and go into a house where there are two older ladies that are going to iron my shirt because I must look perfect. The ladies who iron my shirt also give me a bunch of gardenias. I meet up with my friend and we get to the hospital to deliver the report but we have been locked out. We scale the walls and get to a big window. We are hanging from the window asking a kid to help us get in.