
Date: 9/24/2019

By DreamBabyCloud the nickname given to me by two young boys, around age 12, who wanted to know how to handle women. They asked what my nick name was and I told them no one had ever given me a nickname, which wasn’t true. I gave them general verbal instruction to just be nice and gentle to women. Also, RJ drove his truck into pools of water with unknown depth, though I asked him not to do this. The last pool was The deepest and I rolled down the window in preparation to jump out. Also, he left with a group of women to go party without me and decided not to come back to where I was. This upset me greatly and I decided not to cook in a competition after all, but opted to go home instead. Also, my cat was walking funny and I gave her telepathy about how much I loved her. She told me she loved me too. Very sweet!