
Date: 1/16/2020

By LaurenTheFierce

So I’m a senior in highschool rn, and well, I finally had my first dream about college. This is kinda important because I’ve had dreams about the future that have come true, and this one in particular felt like one of those dreams. So yeah, I made it to college. I found myself in a lecture hall. Not sure where exactly, but it felt like Florida state. Anyways, I’m just sitting there for this introduction. I then turn my head to see my crush from high school. The intro then ended. Some kids left while others stayed; one of them being my crush. Apparently the professor was now teaching intro to chemistry. Honestly, I didn’t know if I had this class, but I didn’t mind staying, so, I did. While everyone was still talking, I then turned to the people sitting behind me. I asked them how to find out what my classes were and how to schedule them. They were mean and didn’t really give me much of an answer...