Date: 11/14/2018
By Clarity
This dream blew my mind. On the morning of 11/11/18 I dreamt of riding in a car (possibly my car) with about 3-4 other people who looked to be around my age (mid to late 20s). I believe I was sitting in the middle or directly behind the driver’s seat. In the front seat (passenger or driver side not sure) was a female with long hair. She was kind but standoffish. I sensed something was bothering her since she wasn’t as engaged as everyone else. Sitting to the right of me was a guy I went to school with who I had a secret crush on. He was a badass and I remember wanting to be friends with him in real life, but I felt like I was out of league to even be his true friend. There was also one or two other males in the car, but for some reason I the female in the front and the badass dude stood out to me. We were having a blast listening to music as the car was moving down a highway during what looked like a sunny midday. Interestingly enough, no one was actually driving the car. The music we were listening was to heavy drum & bass/technoid. I remember the badass cracking jokes and just being the life of the little party we were having. One song I remember was “2012” Cooh. That’s a pretty heavy track and we kinda went berserk when that track came on, except for the girl. What made this dream even more interesting was it went on for about 5 to 10 minutes. Usually scenes in my dreams don’t last that long since they are often chopped up, so when I woke up I just knew there was a deep meaning behind that dream. (From here moving forward everything I say happened in real life - not a dream.) Throughout the day I was trying to figure out what the dream could possibly mean. I even played “2012” track, but still nothing hit me. It wasn’t until that night when the meaning of the dream unfolded. That night, I attended an underground music event in the city and there was a guy who overdosed and passed out on the dancefloor. He was close to his last day alive. When I realized what was happening, I stopped dancing and ran over to help him and whoever was carrying him out. At that point, I didn’t care about the music. It was unlike me to be this way because usually when I see someone in that condition, I just let other people help. This case was different; I felt called to help. Long story short, I gave the guy who overdosed, his girlfriend, and two other males a ride to the place they were staying at. They needed to get him to a safe place, but they didn’t want to go to the emergency room. When I got in the car, that’s when it hit me why I had that dream. It was a premonition. I had 3-4 people in my car just like in the dream. To top it off, the people in real life resembled the people in the dream. The girl who was sweet yet standoffish was very much like the guy’s girlfriend, including her long hair! She was distant because she didn’t like the situation she was in and was probably ashamed of and upset with her boyfriend. Also, the badass guy in the dream symbolized the guy who overdosed. His height, body type, attitude, and hair was very similar to the guy in the dream. The two other males in the dream represented the two guys in my car, as well. The music I played in this situation was a lot more relaxing than what was played in the dream. I put on smooth jazz to help the guy who overdosed come down easier. Heavy music like in the dream would have been counterproductive in that situation. Lastly, this all happened on 11/11/18 and 11:11 is very symbolic. Anyone who is spiritual and highly intuitive will understand what I mean. Thank you for reading. I encourage you to leave a kind comment ☺️