Lucid Dream where I Deal with Vicious Stabbers

Date: 6/20/2018

By fluffytree

I was in my mom's room trying to sleep unaware that I was dreaming. I felt really out of it and dreamy, but figured I was just really tired so I stopped fighting the feeling and gave in. Once I did I found I could visualize very well and found myself dreaming and lucid. Everything looked very real and all details were there. I have a tendency to get excited in lucids and wake up, sometimes just due to excessive head movement, so I stayed calm and kept my head and eyes mostly still so I wouldn't destabilize the dream. I went out my door but not before I tried walking through the wall like I've done before in a past lucids years ago. It didn't work so I went out the normal way. It was a cold winter night while lightly snowing which was such a stark contrast to real life hot temperatures going on right now. I wondered about my body in the real world, how much time had passed, and what position I was in. I wanted to try to fly but figured that might be too strenuous to try for my first time back into lucidity after a year or so so the goal was to walk down my street to the river just to see how real the park and the water looked in comparison to the real world counterpart. Unfortunately as soon as I began towards my destination, my body began moving all its own and was turning around. I didnt struggle and let the dream take control cos obviously it wanted me to see something. There in shadow I saw 3 young men standing there. There was a girl with them with torn tattered clothes too who they were harassing. They stop once they see me and she runs towards my house to take refuge off to the side. I can tell these guys are definitely scumbags, but since they're in my dream perhaps they represent something important that I should examine. So they come over to me talking lots of trash, calling me names, telling me I'm a useless human being. I wonder if this is the manifestation of my anxiety and negative self talk I experience so often. I deduce that it is and try reasoning with them by talking to them positively. It doesn't work and I notice they all have knives. Fighting them is what they want but I know that's fruitless because that which resists persists. The main center guy begins stabbing me and it actually hurts! I can feel a sharp pain in my side and see a big open cut but I have to remember that it's just a dream and any pain I feel is completely psychosomatic. They all join in and stab me repeatedly and I jump back cos the pain is uncomfortable. 'Why can't I just have a nice dream for once?' I think to myself. 'I gotta stop watching videos on that "watch people die" reddit thread seriously. It's clearly messing me up.' They come at me but give me no choice but to push them back in defense. Apparently I'm just not strong enough right now to overcome them using my thoughts only. I run to the girl and take her hand in order to protect her and go further down the street into the night. The men chase for awhile but soon give up. It's like enemies in a video game who can't follow you past a certain point. Seems they're bound to the area around my house or something. I wake up shortly thereafter a little disappointed but happy I finally had a lucid dream. Perhaps I can use the same technique I used in the dream to fall asleep consciously.