Third day- Me being trying to do something new? Almost killed??? Can’t hear what others are saying.

Date: 7/25/2019

By RanaeS

I was awake but I didn’t feel like I had control. There was a party down the street, which was kinda a hill. I was walking there with a friend(girl), but I didn’t know who it was. Things started to get dizzy and out of nowhere a car appeared. My body started to sway towards it, barely missing me. I couldn’t tell how I was really feeling, but when I turned to my friend she was laughing like if something like we almost died laughing. That only lasted a moment because before I knew it we were there, it was an outside party so a dj set and everything was set. When I looked down to my feet I realized that I left my shoes behind on the road (shaped like a hill) my nails were painted (neon) pink, I don’t even like pink. The outfit I had on wasn’t mines and the shoes I left behind weren’t either. The few people (three)who were already at the party I knew but I can’t say that two of them there were the types to actually hang out with me. So I went back up the road to the retrieve my shoes and they were glued on to the road??? I went back to my house which I think was my grandparents house. I talked to my parents but couldn’t hear what they were saying, my grandma was there to but I couldn’t hear as well either. Next thing I know I’m in a random abandoned house that was close to my old house. I couldn’t see the inside of the house because I was already leaning out of the door to notice that the party was only a few houses down . Their were a lot more people this time and they were all from my middle school. The ones that didn’t like me, the boys who always picked on me, the ones I thought were my friends but there just as fake as the fake ones. Then I realized that I didn’t know how to dance and decided not to go. I guess the ones that were really my friends were with me and decided not to go with either . Then we went back inside the (dark?) house.