Teen Hulk, Too Many Shoes, Badly Constructed Theme Park

Date: 5/6/2021

By brookethegreat

First a not-as-huge Hulk was destroying my house, but like in an "oh, you" kind of way. His forehead punched straight through the top of a doorway. I was VERY CONCERNED that I didn't have room for my shoes. Panicking. It was like all of my moving house stress was condensed into this one shoe issue. My parents had this nice corner bookshelf that they weren't using, so I asked to use it for my shoes. They gave it to me but it turned out to be all old and busted and the bottom two shelves fell out. I went to a theme park where the theme was like "we did a bad job building this park." Everything looked like it was built out of cardboard and would fall apart. It even felt like it would. But it didn't. I was climbing a ladder. I got most of the way up but I was so afraid it would tear that I kept chickening out and climbing back down. There was a group of us doing some guided activity at this ladder platform thing. Someone drew a group picture of us as cartoons. I was thinking "how do I know which one is me? I don't think I have super identifiable cartoonable features" but I looked at it and realized "Oh! I'm the only one with straight hair!" It felt kind of nice that this boring thing was a cute cartoon trait.