Past CANNOT Kill My Life

Date: 11/28/2019

By CalMehJuly

I killed a winner with red hair because i lost in a contest and i escaped when guards chase me. I go on a scooter that was broken. I had to use my feet to move it. A girl had a boyfriend and she went on my scooter. I was at a forest and small bridge when I met her. We went to a underground house and I saw my friend Destiny and she said WE COULD STAY HERE BUT THERES NO WIFI (I asked if we could stay here and if there is wifi) she was super nice and welcoming. I Girl with a boyfriend (lets call her Flora Osana) and her boyfriend and other peeps (friends) lived together. We trained by running far and quick on a empty plain of dust and sand. I didnt them my past but we are tight. I wouldnt kill any of them. THE GUARDS CAME WHEN WE WERE TRAINING... We had to escape and fight them off. I killed a guard. 2 guards vs me. I saw a vision of them stabbing me. So I used a magic chant spell words for me to switch places with him after he would almost stab me AKA he stabbed himself. Stab with a long bamboo stick. Other guy did the same thing but with a gun. We all grouped up (saw my IRL BROTHER lol) to get supplies quickly (grey p Backpacks and food and etc) WE ARE ABOUT TO LEAVE.