Date: 12/12/2019
By CalMehJuly
My words have power! I put my 5 fingers together and say something and it will happen! I wanted no one to know about it though. I told my brother to forget seeing what I did today and other stuff. It worked! You know Ochako Uraraka from BHNA (sorry if spelled wrong) ? I have her hands and fingers and the same way to use her power. I told Nat and we are roommates. We live in a small apartment together and then we moved to a bigger one. I like her and want to get closer to her but our parents interrupt us. I told her my powers and showed it to her. I trust her. I saw my crush and enemy HJ He was at my school and we teased each other I really liked him I actually had some talk with him I was happy and smiling He was too with a grin I was NORMAL my normal self around him I wanted him to ask me out to prom or I ask him hut mostly he asking me but both would be fine My fingers went together when I said the bus would fall on the girl repeatedly when it did happen The bus went down and then back up again over and over IDK why I felt bad bc I was laughing a lot and smiling I knew and thought how mean I was So I got snapped back to reality and put my fingers back to tell the bus to stop