Digital art 4k scene from a movie: An angry woman confronting her partner for texting someone from California and kicking him out of a restaurant after finding hearts and smileys on his phone.

Kicking Buck out

Date: 10/21/2018

By twilson37

Found buck texting with someone from California. I bitched him out and threw him out. Seems like that happened in a restaurant. I demanded to see his phone. He tried to hide it. I grabbed it. I am illiterate in dreams, so I don’t know what it said. All that registered were hearts and smilies. Read him the riot act. How fucking dare you?! Live off of me and carry on with this chick? No, motherfucker. Why don’t you see if she wants you 24/7 cause I am done. Get your shit and get out!

AI generated interpretation Based on the content of your dream, it appears that you may be feeling a sense of betrayal and anger in your waking life. The presence of Buck in your dream may represent someone in your life who you feel has deceived you or taken advantage of your kindness and support. By finding him texting someone from California, it suggests a feeling of betrayal and dishonesty in a relationship or situation. The act of throwing him out and demanding to see his phone indicates a desire for transparency and honesty in your relationships. The symbols of hearts and smiles on the phone may suggest that Buck was engaging in flirtatious or romantic behavior with someone else, adding to your feelings of betrayal and hurt. Your strong reaction in the dream, including expressing anger and cursing at Buck, suggests deep-seated emotions of betrayal and frustration. The decision to end the relationship in the dream may signify a need to assert boundaries and prioritize your own well-being in waking life. Overall, this dream may be reflecting your feelings of vulnerability and a need to protect yourself from being taken advantage of. It is important to consider the emotions and themes presented in the dream and reflect on any similar feelings or situations that may be occurring in your waking life.