
Date: 5/30/2020

By bluefox247

I had the weirdest fucking dream. It is very dramatic So basically it was kind of like a TV show. And for some reason R, one of my besties, her on and off (irl they are kinda on and off) boyfriend J and I were seeing each other behind her back ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ like wtf? (In real life he hasn't made the best impression on me cause of all the shit he's done to her over the past years but whatevs) At first the world was normal and there was this party I was trying to remove evidence from that I was at (a pair of white sandals) because i slept the night over so I drove my car there to steal my second pair of shoes back in time before these 3 other girls got them and showed R. I really fucking sped there too it was like watching a madman drive, like I was in GTA or something. Kk, so then me and J were apparently cuddling ๐Ÿคข like wtf he aint my type at all. And I randomly said "well u and R are broken up right?" And he was like "well... we kinda got back together" And I was like ๐Ÿคจ, yet still kept sleeping with him (!!!) Because he started crying and was all like "I'm just so confused I love you both so much and I don't know what to do" For some reason i bought this crap and somehow was in love with him. Lmao. I am not sure why but we are suddenly all brought to this huge arena-esque type hideout to protect us from something in the world. I think maybe a war was going on because before that I was a nurse or amongst nurses and we all wore strange uniforms and there was a lot of military looking people i seemed to work with. Anyway in this arena type sector there were these giant openings that lead to the "houses". They were numbered and there were probably like 6 in the one big circle. The middle was just a bunch of nature, like grass, maybe some trees and water. At one point my great aunt was alive still for some reason and my parents were still taking care of her. J had snuck over to me while R was somewhere else and wanted to just have sex right there while my great aunt was sleeping (it was like 5 in the morning), but it was in the same room with just a wall division separating us so I was like no we need to go to a bedroom. So we did but while J was going to the bathroom he woke up my aunt. We didn't want to scare her so he waited in the hall while she got some food from the kitchen. My dad came out and was all like "good morning Aunt Grandma" and I was like "hey aunt grandma!" So by that time she didn't even care about J lmao. But J was like "lol u call her aunt grandma?" Which we never did but ig in the dream we did lmao While in the room we are kissing but omg let me tell you in the dream he was sometimes the most amazing kisser ever and then other times he was the absolute fucking worst. We're talking spit just oozing out of his mouth. At one point, I think he was drunk, because he puked and it got in my mouth. For some reason I still liked him. I left to a different house number which was more like a hangout one and everyone was there except J, who we all heard was actually a crazy serial killer type dude. The officials told us he's being interviewed/held in custody now. A helicopter lands outside and I go out and am so excited to see one like a little kid. But soon after it lands, it goes back up in the air. It looks like they were doing this with 6 helicopters, one for each house #. Anyway, then it goes into the things J has been doing and apparently he has been collecting teeth (I'm getting Netflix's You vibes from this) and sometimes even entire intact sets of teeth since he was younger. He carries one around in his pocket, with the bones and everything. We also find out that he usually has a micro camera on him to film whatever he is doing with his victims. We find out further that there were cameras in the arena anyway because it was provided by the military so all of what me and him did would have been caught on a government camera, which is all I care about in the dream cuz I'm just like "welp I can wish R goodbye as a friend she will forever hate me now". I don't care bout nothing else ๐Ÿ˜‚ gotta love the teen drama (I'm not a teen lol) Then we find out that J was severely abused as a child by his father who made his mother abuse him too. For some reason one of the types of abuse was that he was never allowed to use his hands, so he had to figure out how to get on in life without using them and because of this he'd use his mouth for mainly everything while growing up. His mother was forced to do this too. Omigosh maybe that's why he has such a fixation on teeth. Ew. Anyway. That was shortly before I woke up. This dream was too detailed and crazy not to share ๐Ÿ˜‚ if you made it to the end, bravo.