
Date: 9/18/2019

By pyritemind

I had a dream that began with me driving around a futuristic city that was under construction. I passed a construction site where they were building a bridge, but they hadn’t completed it. The road just ended and dropped like 30 stories. Anyway, I drove to a family friends house. We kept going a few different places, a bathhouse, a convince store, and back tot heir basement. The city is the same city I’ve dreamt about in the past where the same friends and I went to a glass ballroom in a skyscraper. I was with not only the family friends, but also other friends I had made in the previous dreams. At some point we were in a maze going through really intense experiences, but I don’t remember what. Eventually I started driving home feeling emotionally exhausted, and I was driving the opposite way from which I came. Suddenly, I realized I was in the construction zone, now empty, but I realized too late. I drove off the edge and free fell down to the road below. I landed, and I sat there for a second wondering if I was alive or not. I thought I was at first, I felt fine, but then I realized I couldn’t interact with the lock or the window or the steering wheel. I woke up in a cold sweat.