Random dreams

Date: 2/17/2020

By akakaaykay

First dream. Dreamt that I just had a surgery where I had a brain tumor removed in my left brain. I woke up and had a brown bandage over my head. My sister said I endured being drilled a hole in my skull larger than the size of a nose for them to extract the tumor out with a high heated metal device. Second dream. I was proposing an algorithm to my sister that can nicely allow a new sound input source to interrupt whatever music we may be playing at the moment. The algorithm involves reducing the music volume to 0% and pause it while the new sound input is picked up. Then once the sound input is gone, the music will resume again with a gradual increase of volume back to 100%. My sister doesn’t really understand what I am talking about so I was drawing some diagrams for her to understand. In my dream, I am confident that I can get it coded out for her use. Third dream. I was painting some miniature landscapes with my friend. I was running out of paint, and suddenly discovered that I used to waste all the paint by mixing them altogether in a plastic bag. I tried to salvage whatever paint I can use from the mixture of paint. I was painting the color green when my family got back home and interrupted me. Fourth dream. I was out in a park meeting some people I barely knew in my primary school days. Along the way I saw my 2 pet dogs playing happily with another random huge dog along a road with cars on it. I yelled at the dogs to stay off the road as it is dangerous. I run towards them and I stretched out my hands wide at them, asking them why are you doing this? I told them to go play on the grass patches at the side of the roads. Looking ahead, I saw a reddish brown grass patch with wild giraffes eating from some random tall trees. Final dream. I walked back to the park to find one of my female friend Bibiana seated nearby. I said hi to her and immediately noticed that her right leg was sadly amputated. She told me that it was due to a boating accident where ropes are tangled at her ankle. I woke up from this dream feeling sorry for her and hope that she can still move on happily in life.