Date: 4/24/2020
By xCaligo
I’ve never been much of a snake person, I try to love and appreciate them all the same but it can be hard to relate sometimes them being cold blooded and not necessarily your typical fluffy pet. For some reason we (my sister and I) were being given pets that had just been born and I was offered a baby python (or boa, I’m not really sure the type of snake). I said sure wy not. The snake was so small at first and could fit easily in my hand. She was a milky whitish color but slowly started to to turn green streaked with some yellowy brown. I decided to name her bella. I was in this fenced in park(pen, enclosure?) looking thing holding my snake and I was supposed to feed her. There was this little colony of beetle sized mice on the ground and I held her up to them and her head just darted at the ground in rapid secession gobbling up the micro mice. She slowly grew and it wasn’t like I could see her growing but I realized it after a little while when she was getting too big for my hand anymore. There were other things for her to eat in the enclosure and I just kept walking around holding her and she kept eating. She started to get big enough to where I draped her over my shoulders and felt her cool underbelly on my neck. Somehow I figured out she was thirst you and we went over to this massive tub of water and she dipped her head by it to drink. She wriggled off my shoulders and dove straight in and I was impressed and also a little scared by how fast she was. I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to get her back but after a little while she slithered out and back onto my shoulders. With this one zoo keeper person saying “she like you”. Thats about all I can remember.