there’s a penguin in my bed

Date: 6/10/2019

By livtina

I had a dream last night, and tried to write down as much as I could remember. I jotted down some notes really quickly this morning, then went back to sleep. Alriiiight. Here’s what happened. I was in this classroom, it looked like. It didn’t look like it was for classroom activities though. It looked, to me, more like this small room with desks in it and a smart board. On that smart board, was a movie. I knew a whole bunch of the kids in there, and they were my age. I used to go to school with them. Of course, Drew was there. Kayleigh was there too. Riley was there, but the spotlight seemed to be more on Kayleigh and I. We were, like, saying things that were making a lot of the kids mad, and I forgot what we said. Next thing you know, we’re all arguing left and right. I don’t remember what the movie was about, and I think I don’t remember for a valuable reason. Maybe, it just wasn’t necessary to know what was playing, in order to fully understand the interpretation. I’m going to try to describe these scenes in order. The next scene came, and next thing you know, I think I ended up being inside the movie. Either that, or the dream just fully changed and I had more than one dream in one night. I don’t know. Anyway, I recall a bathroom. I was in it in this dim room, during the daytime. I remember my mother coming in. I remember someone telling me to get out. I wasn’t even using the bathroom, not really. I was just... standing there. For some reason, I kept seeing young men and women rebelling against something and sticking their middle fingers up. There was this one guy that I was deathly attracted to, and he reminded me of Tony Montana. He looked like a Latino, and had this jersey-like accent. The reason why he reminded me of Tony Montana, is because he was on this stage or... gosh, he was on something. He was venting about something, calling people out. It was like that scene when Tony Montana was really drunk and making this whole speech in that restaraunt. Anyway, the young man was just going off. I don’t remember his exact words, but one sentence started with, “You know what-“ and that’s the only thing I recall as far as what he said. Something like, “You can have it. I don’t want it.” I think he said that too. Then, he stuck both middle fingers up. I was watching from an angle that almost felt like I was there, but not at the same time. It was like I was invisible, but not in a really sad or lonely way. I just felt... distant, which is why I think I could’ve teleported inside the movie. I think I did interact with him at some point though. Now, the scene changes. I did something that really made some young kids angry, because I was flying around like a fairy over this ginormous lawn with a whoooleeeeee bunch of trees. We were in front of a house, and Kayleigh was watching me from one of the windows. I think a lot were just watching me. These young kids were flying behind me, chasing me for whatever reason, and it was stressing me out so much. I remember feeling so scared, and my heart racing. I tried tricking them. Going behind trees, not flying straight, flying down then up. Eventually, I did lose them. I was standing at the left side of the lawn and pulled out my phone, and I made this group chat on a messaging app that kind of looked like Kik, and it was only with four or five people. Mia invited like ten more, and I was so annoyed. It was meant to be a private group chat, and she added all those people without my permission. Fredlena was in the group chat. She turned on this video chat thing, and all of our faces popped up. All of us. Every single person in the group chat had their faces on the screen. I didn’t know I was on there at first, because I thought you’d have to actually hit accept or something for your face to show. When I looked at the screen, I saw my face. I was so embarrassed, because I think there was a girl in the group chat that I wanted to impress or something. I wasn’t fond of the camera angle. I remember why the kids were chasing me now. I think I was antagonizing this one girl, like, purposely trying to annoy and irk her... and her friends came eventually. She took revenge on me by chasing me, with her friends. I woke up a little bit after that, for maybe ten seconds at most, and then fell back asleep. The scene changed after that. It was short, you could say. I was in bed, in the same position that I was in before I fell back asleep, and the light was off. Basically, it looked exactly the same. Except... there was one thing different. There was a penguin under the sheets. I was shook. Then, it was gone. I woke up again for two seconds or something, maybe three or four. I went back to sleep for the second time, and I see this fat penguin on top of my blanket. It was round, like the ones in Club Penguin. It was purple, with a yellow beak. Then, I woke up for the third time. That’s when I started writing down notes. I fell back asleep after that, but I stopped dreaming. .: translation :. The penguin often represents an opportunity in life. This will come in the future. Grab the opportunity. This dream is associated with annoyance in life. However, you must consider your options very carefully, because you may find that you could stop putting pressure on yourself to make rash decisions, and then the true path will come naturally. In this dream it is associated with ongoing tension. Although you may have created your own images in the dream the most significant image of a penguin is that there is more than one penguin. There is opportunity open to you and a feeling of being unprepared to see penguins in the Southern Hemisphere. Pengiuns are associated with ambition and being prepared if you kept one as a pet. The penguin is associated with wisdom, perfection, and intelligence. Seeing a penguin in a dream can suggest being frustrated in regard to people that do not have a positive impact on your life. The penguin symbolizes illegal business. It is associated with business mainly because you are distracted by others. The penguin is associated with tenderness and compassion. Sometimes a penguin can mean altruism, but also material and financial difficulties. You should be more patient with yourself and the people in your life. To dream in purple or see something purple denotes a mystic connection with something or someone in waking life. In other words, your dream represents your wishes and reveals they will be fulfilled soon. You might also have erotic feelings or sexual desires about someone you just met. To dream of a violet color also implies to your strong attitude and beliefs. People respect you for being faithful to your opinion but also open to hearing their opinion. You should work on your self-image is the message of this dream. Watched a movie, musicians or other entertainment in a dream is positive it denotes good times socially. Middle finger in dreams typically refers to insult since it is how your mind is generally associated with the gesture. However, middle fingers ins dreams can also denote responsibility, caution, and hard work. If someone accidentally annoyed you in your dream state, it signifies your need to always be right. You can’t always be right and you certainly don’t know everything. Only fools think they know everything and you’re not a fool. Respect people’s opinions and values. If you annoyed someone in your dream state, it could imply that you think you need improvement in your behavior. Look at things from different perspective. Question everything. Respect other people’s opinions - but always share your own without fear that you might be laughed at or seen as peculiar. Being chased in your dream signifies worry. Whatever is pursing you in your dream is your unconscious mind letting you know that you need to face responsibilities. This dream means that you are running from responsibilities that need to be sorted out. The length of space between yourself and the chaser often indicates how far you are away from your anxieties and troubles. This dream also shows that others depend upon you to do well in life, whether that is family, friends or children. If you change your life then consider the impact upon others and above all your own happiness. Positive changes are afoot if… • You escape the chaser / pursuer. • You manage to escape without being caught. • You managed to escape the situation in your dream completely. To be chased by a group of people in your dream indicates your emotions are high at the moment. This dream means you must control feelings of rage, fear and sexual desire. In ancient dream oracles the dream of being chased or followed is often referred to the hunt. This is not a positive omen. For it means to all an unpleasant time with hostile people who are likely to offend the dreamer. Flying means you normally feel unhappy in waking life and that you are totally out of control. Dreaming of flying in the air normally happens when one feels somewhat “out of control” in life. This can be connected to our own ambitions or even self-esteem. Flying in most dream books represents your own ambitions, that you are “flying higher” in life. The question that you need to ask yourself is: are you overworked or stressed out? Maybe you just need a vacation or some time to chill out. Flying dreams are generally a wake-up call to your conscious mind. Having experienced flying in your dream is a true characteristic of lucid dreaming. If you feel distress in your dream this is an indication that you have to take charge of the situation in my stop these dreams are also satiate with longing some type of freedom in your life and letting go previous events. If you willingly chose to fly then this indicates that there are many invisible opportunities on the horizon. The other indication that this dream is associated with freedom is the aspects of spiritual astral travel. This is when the soul has the ability to transcend between your waking life and lucid dreaming. The in other words you are trying to seek spiritual freedom typical dream among society. The character you play in your dream also represents the course of action that you should take in everyday life. If you are flying upwards then this indicates that you are trying to release yourself from limitations which have recently affected your life in some way. If you are flying downwards then this indicates that there may be an attempt to understand your subconscious mind. This is a wake-up call to how you manage events in your life. If you have been feeling the weight of responsibilities in your waking life we recently this dream indicates that you need to have more faith in your ability. To dream that you are flying outside and that in any point the experience was unpleasant denotes that somebody is finding it difficult to trust you at the moment. If you are threatened while you are flying then somebody needs to talk to you about a problem in waking life. If you are able to freely fly and go where you want in your dream then this shows that events in your drop all your home life will be positive. If you are flying with a group of people or they are watching you on the ground in amazement then this indicates that you are going to talk to others who will be able to help solve a problem which has been worrying you. To fly over green trees and vegetation generally foretells that a situation is likely to be embarrassing in the future. Positive changes are afoot if you are… • Able to go back down to the ground easily. This dream indicates that you are trying to escape from a situation. A boss has been micromanaging you and this dream has occurred in order for you to recognise that you need to escape from this person. You have been feeling that there are a number of family commitments around you. This dream could indicates that you have been thinking about your own independence recently. Other people have been interfering with your business and you've been trying to keep matters important to you to yourself. If you are feeling uncomfortable in your dream about the experience then you have to take charge of your life more. It is time for a new change in your life. Theorists such as Freud believed that this dream was connected to a sexual need and that the dream is a product of our own childhood in which we felt free and that we had no responsibilities. Other theorists such as Carl Jung interpreted flying as a symbol of negative feelings. A bathroom in your dream represents personal freedom and cleansing. It is an important sign of an opportunity to expand business affairs and reach a satisfying conclusion. A bathroom in your dream is an omen of joy and happiness. It means you have clear and well-expressed ideas. If in your dream you are in the bathroom, it could mean prosperity coming your way. Fairy dreams is your subconscious trying to reach you. If the dream is scary, then the message is clear. You are out of balance and need to take corrective action soon. Do you ignore your intuition? Do you follow your gut instincts? Keep your faith in what you believe. To dream of an unknown man indicates that a decision needs to be made. This dream also suggests that you need to learn something new. There is a sense of learning what areas of your life need improvement. Is it considered that a man's appearance is triggered by a sense of depression. This dream also suggests that a friend may appear in your life and be a source of inspiration. The man featured in your dream shows a sense of belonging; development and is associated with the different sides of your personality. It is important to develop yourself in the future. The dream is all about expressing your intellect in terms of logic and spirit. Dream experts denote that men who appear in the dreams of women have an erotic significance in most of cases. A more recent European interpretation of this dream indicates that seeing a man is a good sign, as it provides security and strength to the woman that had the dream, and therefore she will know how to fight and to fulfill her desires. A man with dark hair means flattery. A handsome man foretells contentment and fulfilled hopes. A young man means triumph. An oppressed man means you need to take advantage of a favorable opportunity coming your way. Consider whom you were quarreling with and the reasons why. To be female and have such a dream indicates that you may be anticipating failure in connection with money. An argument can signify unresolved feelings that are being encountered in waking life. This is generally in connection with a close relationship. If a known individual is featured in your dream it can indicate that you need a form of aspiration to combat negative feelings. Seeing an argument often means that you are reluctant as well as not willing to deal with conflict. You feel trapped into making a decision. Think about grounding yourself by bringing more physical activities in your life. There are plenty of people in waking life that will help you work through the feelings that you currently have. If you don't then it may result in more harm: holding inside your fury as well as struggling with the person who has angered you. .: end of translation :.