A lot of different dreams

Date: 3/28/2021

By DreamGirl1998

So annoying I wrote out this whole dream but i forgot to press done 🙄 First dream I’m going to a friends flat party. I’m there with my best friend and some mates from uni. It’s Paula’s flat patty and her guy flat mate is friends with this guy I hooked up with from tinder a few weeks ago in real life. I’m hesitant on going because he basically ghosted me & I actually really liked him but obviously he didn’t like me back. Anyways lol I end up going to the party, I see him and he says hi in a friendly way like nothing happened, I’m like hi rolling my eyes. I start drinking my box of cruisers watermelon and start getting drunker, he starts flirting with me hardcore and I don’t really give in, I start joking around with him and then next minute I’m flirting back and I’m sitting on his lap and cuddling him on this arm chair🥴 we go to this bathroom and start hooking up but all my insecurities come out in this dream - I’m wearing no makeup, have frizzy hair, I’m wearing a nappy and guys underwear all at once and I start trying to get away from this guy. My friend has left coz the patty wasn’t her vibe. End of first dream Second dream I’m in this forest with my mum, it’s dimly lit but it’s still daytime. Where walking around this forest and see shadows of people walking through, I’m real scared. Turns out it was these African aboriginal natives of the forest who were making there way to a traditional ceremony hall 🥴 dream changes to me and this girl I drank with ages ago, were sitting on these chairs coz we were allowed to spectate from the street but we had to be respectful. We’re both drinking but she starts to get rowdy and this old white lady gives us a warning, I apologise and stay quiet. She gets real drunk and starts flashing everyone 🤦🏽‍♀️ that was end of that dream coz we got kicked out. Third dream I order this Uber eats meal, it’s like a beef kebab dish. COVID restrictions are high in this dream in a ridiculous way as in I have to pay for my meal in a car the restaurant guys are in, then I had to go do something from the computer inside of their shop which was empty so I could stand in line and get my meal? Was really weird. Anyways this hot Arab looking guy helps me navigate what to do on the computer which beat the whole COVID restrictions thing. He’s helping me with it in a professional non flirting manner, I’m kinda star struck by him but try to hide it, I’m also looking like I just woke up, my face is bare and hair kinda frizzy. I finish doing my order and I stand in line to get it. Randomly he comes up to me and says I’m sorry but I find you attractive and I like you, this is totally unprofessional but do you wanna go out on a date? I’m so ecstatic in this dream that a guy actually likes me with my flaws and all, so I say yes 😂 end of dream 3