
Date: 6/6/2018

By imalittleteacup

I was at a party of someone I knew from high school but everyone else was a stranger. No one knew her real name Karalea so I made a point of calling her name as often as possible but no one noticed. Then she released a heap of helium balloons into the air. I caught one but it started to lift me into the air. But by the end of the party the balloon was on the ground now unable to lift me. Then another old friend from high school played a joke on me but nobody got it and they all stared at me like I was strange so I told then it was an in joke but they just kept staring at me until someone else stood up and explained it was an in joke. Then the party turned into a restaurant where I was working but I had no idea what to do. So I asked people what should I do and all anyone said was its OK do what you want it's all good. So I started making a mushroom dish for someone. I didn't have the right size saucepan so I had to borrow one. When my dish was complete I served it to some random person and he said it was marvelous. Then I cleaned up.