Date: 5/5/2022
By Fitful
I was a twin. Me and my sister were born in a society at war, or something. In the tail end of a war, or a vast infection, but no it was war. They were bombing the skies, some forced inoculation. They - our government - convinced us to go somewhere, for safety. An encampment. It was held in a giant room, in ruins. And then they forced inoculate us against our will. So both aides were doing it. Or maybe there was only one side, a fake war. Either way we all changed. This is a flash back btw from a dream I was having earlier, about twins born in the future from this point on. We are their ancestors, progenitors. And what happened in that chamber was horrific and odd. They created vampires. Vampirism was slow to come, but they knew it would because they were wary of anyone who exhibited any aggressive symptoms. So my sister did and others did and I watched. At first they just like the smell of their own blood. Then of someone who lied to be there - said he was something he wasn't just to get to go with his friends/family and be brought here - so he was full human. The "inoculation" didn't take with him. And when the crowd turned on him, I wondered if they'd intervene or just let everyone eat him. I exhibited no symptoms so after a while I was allowed to leave, if I came back at night. My father - our father - was so relieved that I wasn't changed. He wasn't there with us, but on the outside. He also knew what was going on, but not as much as those in charge, the military. Anyway I got to leave, but strange things were happening to me too. Things I didn't mention, didn't tell about. For instance, when I pushed a pencil or pen into the table it disappeared, it was sucked into a different space, turned liquid and just vanished. I knew where it was. I put it away for safe keeping. This was the beginning. I was the first mind mage. I began the whole line of them, while my sister was one of the first vampires. Or the first. It's said in the history books we were the first. I got to leave way more often, didn't tell about my abilities. I was chased by a flying Santa in an air glider once. And I worked I'm a shop, learning - mostly experiencing at first - more mind magic. I went back to check on my sister, who was more animalistic as things went on, who grouped in with the rest of them. But she was always my sister. I was never afraid of her, nor of the other created vampires.