An Old Dream of Betrayal

Date: 9/11/2019

By CalMehJuly

Hello! This is my official first dream entry! I dream a lot but usually write it in my journal. So writing dreams twice suck. For me anyway. I'm going to tell you all a dream that was from years ago. My friend and I were fighting these two other people. I had partner in crime vibes. We were fighting in this huge house and won the fight. Then all of a sudden I waa teleported to this grey rocky room. My friend smirked and left me. I then was put in this interrogation room with few people around me on this rock desk of some sort. She wanted me to join her side or make me a slave. I dont remember much but it wasn't good. My friend left me alone. She didnt come back for me. I know this person in real life and we were close at that time. So close I even told her my dream. This dream. She was surprised. As well as I. Maybe this dream told me one day she will betray me or leave me for a good reason or bad.We will never know for now... Thanks for reading! Please comment any questions about this dream or dreaming or something random? thanks!