Third wheel

Date: 10/19/2018

By sadinarus

I had a dream that Sean (my ex) my friend, jada and I were somewhere. And Sean and I were together and we all were at some restaurant and we were being a cringe couple and Jada wasn't saying anything but I felt bad because she low key became a third wheel. And then this guy started acting like a dick. He worked there. And he wore these transparent blue cheaters. And when I went to go tap his shoulder and I broke his glasses instead. I remember saying "IM SO SORRY, I don't like you, but I truly didn't mean to break these." I asked him if they were cheaters and where he got them from. And if I could replace them. He told me he got them from the dollar store. So sean and I left. Idk where Jada went at that point. But we left and went to go find the glasses. And we did but they were hella expensive. So I guess we didn't buy them. And so sean disappeared. And I walked back to the restaurant. And I see sean there and the guy is yelling at him because we didn't find the glasses so now sean gotta pay him 60 dollars. But i intervened and told him that it was my fault we couldn't find the glasses and Then I proceed to tell sean that we could go half and half with the 60 dollars. And then I woke up. Something happened with a mini market outside. The shift switched and the original people that was working there left and the new people for the shift came. Which was hella random. But anyways yeah. 🤗