Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Sarah's mind was playing tricks on her, leading her to see terrifying visions of intruders entering her home and attacking her, leaving her scared and confused as she tried to hide her psychosis from her worried mother.

jeg fikk psykose

Date: 8/30/2019

By monjanse

jeg var blitt psykotisk og såg folk komme inn å voldta meg fra terrassen min i boligen. jeg ble skutt i ræva og ble operert ved at de stakk en nål laaaangt inn i ræva mi. jeg såg syner og ble redd, men visste at det bare var hodet mitt som spilte meg spøker. jeg prøvde å skjule psykosen for mamma. jeg ville nemlug ikke gå på abilify medisinen.

AI generated interpretation This dream suggests feelings of vulnerability, fear, and a loss of control. The experience of developing psychosis in the dream can symbolize a sense of losing touch with reality or struggling with overwhelming emotions or stress in your waking life. The imagery of being attacked and violated by strangers from your own home may indicate feelings of invasion, violation of boundaries, or a sense of being physically or emotionally threatened by external forces or circumstances. The gunshot wound and subsequent operation in the dream may reflect a feeling of being wounded or hurt in some way, and the discomfort associated with the medical procedure could signify a sense of discomfort or unease in facing and addressing these emotional wounds. The hallucinations and fear in the dream could represent a struggle with distorted perceptions or persistent anxieties that may be affecting your sense of reality and well-being. The desire to hide your psychosis from your mother may suggest a fear of judgment or a reluctance to seek help or support for your struggles. Your resistance to taking the Abilify medication in the dream could symbolize a resistance to accepting help or treatment for mental health issues, perhaps due to stigma, fear of side effects, or a desire to maintain a sense of control over your own well-being. Overall, this dream may be reflecting underlying feelings of vulnerability, fear, and a need for support and understanding in dealing with challenging emotions or experiences in your waking life. It may be helpful to explore these feelings further and consider reaching out to a mental health professional or trusted individual for support and guidance.