Coaches, friends and game of thrones

Date: 2/21/2018

By Adeptknife

It started with me and about 40 people on a coach most of them were school friends some were teachers and a cousin. There were a few main people I remember these were: Kate, Brandon, Jaime, Lauren and Callum. There was a 4 seater where Brandon Jaime Callum and I sat. Like a train without the table in the middle. The rest of the coach was 2 seater. I had no idea of where I was headed and didn’t ask, on the way there the people I mentioned and a few of which I can’t remember had bants the whole way there. Once there the teachers asked us to wait by a park whilst they sort everything out. The park was full of young children and their parents. I did nothing and just chilled with the others until the teachers were ready. The dream ended and restarted up at the same point. This happened 3 times then on the 5th time most of the coach people were not there just my group of names friends and a few others about ten. On the way there Lauren went too far with Kate with her bants and tried to get me to join in. I declined as Kate was my childhood crush and I didn’t want to make her upset. Even so I couldn’t bulk up the courage to sit with her and comfort her even though I wanted too. When we got off we headed to the park like usual but this time I wanted to play in the park as it was massive and it would pass the time. Almost as soon as I touch something to get on some kid teleports there and his dad came over and started moaning and arguing with me. Saying I hurt his son I was like no I didn’t but I will stand back and let the kids have the swing. Dad still want happy so I backed off if I didn’t I would start swinging. Teacher gets involved my P.E teacher. They argue for a bit and the Dad doesn’t calm down the other masses of parents throwing over dirty looks. The teacher and Dad start fighting and the dream moves on. We are in the sports hall of my school and some massive table like a feast hall table. Tyrion, Tywin and Cersi Lannister are there. Margery tywell was there. Kate and I was there and some other people who I can’t remember who. I basically reveal the lannisters true intent for the tywells. After some talking Cersi somehow dies and the Lannister are outraged and somehow Kate becomes queen and it’s my job to protect her and her people( her people are people I can’t remember names and their faces are blurred) her personal guard/army. I succeeded and the dream ends. Then I wake up in a hotel, this bit is very vague as it’s hard to remember only vivid memory is walking around the hotel amusement park with a guide/manager who basically escorts us to the exit. The dreams end after we leave Next is some bossing 3 people and I end up suggesting bossing and we travel to a hotel like building a massive building with tons of buildings windows and places to slip out and around. The bossing is more like swtor in the way we can revive each other I have no abilities tho but reviving them. The boss is this massive lightly armoured elephant that some how glitches through all the windows no matter how small they are. We are doing well I’m dealing like no damage but I’m juking and dodging attacks whilst reviving occasionally. The boss has like 5% hp left and in the last one alive. I run upstairs and somehow it follows I tried to get out of a window to revive a teammate but it’s small and I take forever to get out I get hit just as I get out and go down. I wake up after this point.