Date: 12/5/2018
By LadyRachel
the one part of my dream I was at school I was like carring a intrie male torso with me and put it in my locker for the day and I feel like another smaller ligament in a type of bag or something. I remember sitting in a class room with a group of other students I think I was talking to a few of them but in particular I remember this bigger girl who seemed like she was sad and I guess the others must of been making fun or disculding her something like that so I sat with her and held her hand ( she looked like that one have Gabby chick from high school) then I remember school being over packing up my torso and going on the bus to home. I remember they actually dropped me off on my old street next to the old restaurant and I walked to Joey's house. there I remember having this one corner where all my random shit was laying around someone s house it was in the same bag the body part and it wasn't Joey's house anymore either. there was these puppies running around and one of them was smaller than the palm of my hand but I think I accidentally stepped on him because when I picked him up he wasn't looking too good . then I was talking to this one person asking where Tyler was but he apparently took some bus and was sitting in the back and I wasn't too happy about this for some reason. so I started packing my things which was a good sized mess but everything was in the same spot so I wasn't rushing around trying to collect my shit.