Date: 12/15/2022
By lauriemae
I had a second job working at another restaurant The first table I got was a wingless guy. Before I sat him, he was vying something. The computer wouldn't read his cr2dit card. So I had to use the old school carbon copy machine. When I gave him my copy ro sign, he gave me all kinds of c4ap amd ask2r why he had to and that he never done that. Once I got him everything I just ignored him. I'm not sure where I went after that. I wasbn3arby somewh3re but i couldnt hear my phone.i lost track of time. I went back to check out my section, and there were a whole bunch of people at my tables. But I noticed sine had food and or drinks I realized the other employees had picked up the tables. So I felt really bad and started to clean the empty tables to try and help. A bit later I was talking to a Co worker and he mentioned how they went to look for me bit couldn't find me so they picked up my tables. I told him I sat down for a second after dealing with the difficult guy and I fell asleep. I told him it wouldn't happen again and I felt really bad and appreciated him. Later we were all sitting down after the place closed, so I told everyone the same thing and nobody seemed mad. That's about when I woke up.