
Date: 12/3/2016

By Regina

First dream I was washing clothes dancing. A friend Elliott was laughing and was saying I was acting weird etc lmao. Second dream someone was getting married and we were looking for our friend Jawzhellyn. I started goofin with my bf Steven and we kissed at the sound of an instrument in one of my Korean songs 😆 Third dream I was in the park with friends Vinny, Kazu and other people. Two celebrities were at the park. Scarlet Johanson and Michael J Fox. I was paying attention to him mostly. I saw when he first came in to the park. When I took my eyes off him I saw Scarlet and Kazu face mad close. I was like "yoooooo Vinny you saw that." Getting excited. I blinked and they both disappeared. Then I saw Michael J Fox being carried by a bunch of adolescence girls and they were making noise. I told them "shhhh" and mentioned to Vinny if they keep doing that Michael J Fox would have to leave sooner than we want him to. Because we know how it is when it gets too rowdy.