😴 Sleep 🌙 To 🌞 Rise

Date: 10/7/2019

By CalMehJuly

I wake up at early in the morning. I talk to my mom and brother. Im at my house. The sun hasn't risen yet. Im supee tired. I remember tomorrow I have to go to school. I watch tv though because things are keeping me awake. Hours later I decided I have to sleep at 5:30 am and I can wake up an hour later. I try to sleep but cant. I hear noises and conversations going on . I want to sleep. I do. I made an alarm on my phone. I don't usually do this because my mom or dad wakes me up. Im afraid it won't. Work. I stay awake. Still. I wake up from the dream . tired. But not that tired. But still tired. Im awake at 6:30 and ready to go to school. After I eat and all. Dang it